Colleges typically post the CLEP exams that they accept on their websites. The list can be difficult to locate. I found that searching under headings for “transfer students” or “transfer credit” improved the results.


The College Board website (www.collegeboard.org) has a search tool to help you find a particular college’s CLEP policies. The drawback to the lists on this site is that the policies may not be up to date. It’s best to use a college website.

My experience with CLEPs. I have coached my kids and their friends through 15 different CLEP exams over a period of 8 years. Collectively, they have passed 38 CLEP exams and earned over 156 college credits. I’m still coaching my younger son through his CLEP journey. My high school graduates have received full-ride merit scholarships.

Musing: a period of reflection or thought. As such this post reflects my thoughts, opinions, and experiences on the topic. The choice to home school and the methods you choose are yours to determine.

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