So proud of my college graduate! My daughter just graduated from Meredith College in Raleigh, NC. She majored in English and minored in Arts Administration, Creative Writing, and Music. The CLEP exams and community college courses she took in high school, allowed her to pick up three minors. Counting these credits and the ones she earned in four years at Meredith, she ended up with 189 college credits! All A’s too.

My daughter was accepted into the English PhD program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She will focus on Medieval literature. Her dream is to be a college professor.

If you are questioning if homeschool can do your children justice in the academic department, here is a story of success. My daughter was homeschooled from the 6th through 12th grade. I felt weak in language arts, but her strengths and interests proved to compensate for any shortcomings that home education might have provided. An important thing that homeschool did provide was time. We did not believe in the six to eight-hour school day. We did not push full course loads on her each year. The abundance of time allowed her to read and write like mad. It allowed her to dive into violin performance. Without the yoke of busy work, she developed a love for learning which is carrying forward.

The early college credits she earned in high school and high ACT scores earned my daughter merit scholarships for freshman entry. Talent scholarships and additional scholarships during her four years at college provided a tuition-free experience.

To learn how you can manage CLEP preparation on your own, read my article CLEP Quick Start: DIY. My blog has many, many posts about CLEP exam nitty gritty. Eighth, ninth, and tenth grade years are the perfect years to knock off a few college credits in the comfort of your own home.

My experience with CLEPs. I have coached my kids and their friends through 16 different CLEP exams over a period of 9 years. Collectively, they have passed 39 CLEP exams and earned over 159 college credits. I’m still coaching my younger son through his CLEP journey. My high school graduates have received full-ride merit scholarships.

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