I just read that there’s a shortage of student desks due to increased demand by people needing to educate at home during Covid-19. There are even tutorials on how to create a desk out of crib or a desk out of plywood.

That news has inspired me to write a post that’s been on my mind for some time. I was going to title the post “Don’t Make it Like School.” But now that desks are a hot topic, desks make a better headliner.

I’ve heard parents say they can’t homeschool because they don’t have the furnishings or space for it. I discovered that we can operate perfectly well without having a dedicated space or desks. In fact, I’m pretty sure a classroom or bedroom desk would go unused at my house.

Don’t make it like school.

M. Mom

Educating at home is entirely different than educating at school. I’ve learned to manage my home as a home and not as a school. My kids are turning out just fine.

I just asked my teens today if they wish we had a dedicated classroom in our house. Both said no way! I never liked school, so I’ve never been inspired to turn any portion of my home into one.

In place of desks, my kids park their computers and books on a dining table or on their laps in a comfy armchair. My personal office is a sofa and a coffee table. Comfy beds are a favorite study space too.

My children have never used desks. They prefer comfy chairs and squishy beds.

M. Mom

Our study location changes depending on the subject and our moods. Math is on a tabletop. Flashcards are on the bed. Reading science is on the bed too. Come to think of it, bed is just a nice place to think. My son really loves that the dog lies on the bed with us. Boys can benefit from rolling around and playing with a dog while learning. It just works.

If my kids were tucked away in a remote location, we’d feel trapped and isolated from the business-end of the house. There would be lots of walking between the locations. And stair climbing! My kids would probably waste a lot of time waiting for me to return to the room to help them.

I think a designated classroom has the potential to become a place of dread for all of my family members. It’s like driving by a place of employment on a day off and the heart sinks.

Having a classroom at home would be confining. And it would probably become a place of dread.

When my kids are underfoot, I can get a lot of my work done while still tending to their educational needs. They are an earshot from the kitchen. They can ask me questions as I bustle around putting laundry away or dusting. I’m a multi-tasking kind of a mom. I need to get jobs done.

I think kids enjoy knowing what’s going on in the business-end of the house. My kids have learned to roll with occasional interruptions and distractions. Mind-breaks are sometimes appreciated. If they want a quiet place, it’s just a room away. My kids wear headphones most of the day anyway.

Dining room table turned computer center

There are drawbacks to having my kids parked in the family room and living room. I’ll admit that. Papers and textbooks can be found lying around at times. But handy bookshelves can clear that all up. I’ve learned to file important papers in three-ring binders labeled with the subject and put them on the shelves too. Three-ring binders are dirt cheap at thrift stores. I’d prefer the occasional clutter to having my kids stranded on Alcatraz Island.

If you are just getting started with homeschool, holding off on making major purchases or changes to your home will save money and effort. In time you may discover that your kids have found work niches around the house that they love.

Everybody’s needs and situations are different. Setting up a classroom would have been a waste of money for my family. My kids want to be in the open and happening places of our home. In the meantime, I simply have to accept a few imperfect but temporary situations in my home. The ad hoc bookshelves in the dining room stuffed with books, binders, and supplies as well as the dining room table temporarily serving as a computer center are all part of the crazy wonderful of my home. I keep reminding myself that before long, my kids will be off to college and getting married. And then I can redecorate.

Read my post about surrendering the teacher role and becoming the education assistant instead: Teaching Experience Not Required. You may think twice about setting up a traditional classroom at home.

Related: Is Homeschool a Good Alternative During the Covid Crisis?

Musing: a period of reflection or thought. As such this post reflects my thoughts, opinions, and experiences on the topic. The choice to home school and the methods you choose are yours to determine.

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